Free 30-Minute Office Hour

We are now offering free business advice in our free 30-minute business consultations for any startup founders or small business owners who need help and support.


You can either:

1. Make an appointment
2. Fill out our contact form below

Join us with any questions you have regarding entrepreneurship, business strategy and marketing.

The Cre8tive Capital team is always ready to share our insights with you.

During our appointment, we can help:

  • Plan for a new business
  • Prepare a business plan for your Small business/startup
  • Brainstorm ideas for a tech startup
  • Give free business advice
  • Answer any questions you have

Aaron Byrd


Aaron is the founder of Cre8tive Capital. He is passionate about business development, technology innovation, and economic development. After years of working with various organizations, Aaron founded Cre8tive Capital to assist early stage tech/tech-enabled companies led by underrepresented founders with strategic planning and business development.

Aaron loves working with startups to develop lean business operations while scaling and expanding their businesses. He demonstrates strong expertise in defining strategic objectives, identifying and prioritizing problems, and thinking of innovative solutions to complex problems.

Greg Currence

Senior Strategic Specialist

Greg currently works at Cre8tive Capital as the strategic specialist, where he works with innovators and status quo agitators. Prior to joining Cre8tive Capital, Greg has held various roles in startup consulting, university venture development and product engineering. In addition, he has done financial accounting with Fortune 500 firms, academia, as well as startups including Maize Analytics and Matterhorn (formerly Court Innovations).

Greg holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering and a Masters of Entrepreneurship from the University of Michigan, along with an MBA from Wayne State University. In his spare time, Greg likes to golf, practice his amateur mead making, and find interesting life-hacking podcasts.

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